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Madu Clover Honey HDI Naturals


Madu Clover Honey HDI


HDI Clover Honey comes from the clover flower which is declared the best honey by beekeepers around the world. The taste is delicious and the texture is very soft.

Most of the honey sold today, is processed by heating so that it can destroy the enzymes contained in it, and also undergoes filtering to get a clear appearance. All these processes can cause honey to lose its nutritional content so that its quality will decrease. HD Clover Honey is pure and natural honey, without going through a heating or filtering process, rich in enzymes and high nutrients.

The water content is low so it is not easy to ferment or mold which can reduce the nutritional quality.

HDI Clover Honey also contains royal jelly and bee pollen (in the form of small granules) which makes it rich in nutrients.

HDI Clover Honey is recommended for those who want to have a healthy digestive system. This product is also beneficial for those who have a high activity level.

Instructions for use
~ Dissolve 1 tablespoon of HDI Clover Honey in a glass of water or fruit juice.
~ As a phlegm thinner, dissolve a tablespoon of HDI Clover Honey with warm water. Add half a lemon juice, stir and drink.
~ Besides that, it can also be smeared on bread as your healthy and energetic breakfast menu.

Contents per pack:
HDI Clover Honey: 500gram
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