Dry & Raw Seafood

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DRS 08

Jambal Salted Fish, Jambal Fish or also known as Manyung fish, very much in demand for many people because the meat is thick and the texture of soft meat, very suitable processed as both dry and berkuah cuisine. Jambal salted fish is suitable to be eaten with sambel trasi.

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฿500 ฿500



DRS 07

Ikan Asin Peda Merah / Salted Mackerel Fish 250 gram

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฿400 ฿400



DRS 06

Baby Cumi rebus kering 76 % / Baby cumi basah fresh Tanpa bahan pengawet dan pewarna diolah secara higienis Kemasan : Kemasan Vakum aman untuk menyimpan produk makanan Penyimpanan : Produk di simpan di Lemari Pendingin / Freezer untuk menjaga kesegaran produk.

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฿400 ฿400



RT 21 A

Anchovy Original / Balado Spicy Taste 120gr is a variant of anchovy rice kriuk which has a crunchy, savory, and delicious taste & ready to eat . These anchovies are hygienically produced and packaged in cans to maintain their quality and crispness. Very suitable as a snack for children who have difficulty eating.

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฿500 ฿500

(Options available)

Best Seller

DRS 05

Dried Salted Egg Squid 150 gr : - Egg squid - Dry - Normal salty (not too salty) - Thick flesh Tips so that the squid is not too tough and not too salty: 1. Wash first with running water to remove the dirty that sticks to the squid skin 2. then boil for 20 minutes, then let stand until the water is warm, the squid is ready to be processed 3. Attention, if the squid will be balado chilli then the squid does not need to be stirred / cooked for a long time (this causes the squid to harden again). Put the squid into the cooked chili sauce (the sambal is cooked separately) over low/without heat, just stir briefly and then remove. - No Preservatives - No Coloring - No added flavor (purely just the salting process) - Storage at room temperature only 2 weeks - Storage in the freezer can be 3 months

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฿400 ฿400


Best Seller

DRS 03

Dried Salted anchovies medan 100 gr : - Dry - Normal salty (not too salty) - Thick flesh - No Preservatives - No Coloring - No added flavor (purely just the salting process) - Storage at room temperature only 2 weeks - Storage in the freezer can be 3 months

Sold 0 items

฿400 ฿400


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