Spices and Herbs


SPC 15

Made from real spices and selected quality ingredients, then processed into powder that is packaged in a practical way so that it can be used for all kinds of purposes. Advantages (Unique Selling Points): 1. Produced from genuine and quality spices since 1942 2. Longer shelf life because it has been dried from the original material and processed into powder 3. Export quality and has been accepted in various countries with strict food standards 4. BPOM, HALAL, ISO 22000 and HACCP certifications 5. Meets GMP standard 6. Practical packaging in use 7. No preservatives

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฿120 ฿120



SPC 12

Made from real spices and selected quality ingredients, then processed into powder that is packaged in a practical way so that it can be used for all kinds of purposes. Advantages (Unique Selling Points): 1. Produced from genuine and quality spices since 1942 2. Longer shelf life because it has been dried from the original material and processed into powder 3. Export quality and has been accepted in various countries with strict food standards 4. BPOM, HALAL, ISO 22000 and HACCP certifications 5. Meets GMP standard 6. Practical packaging in use 7. No preservatives

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฿120 ฿120



SPC 11

Tamarind Brand Gunung, seedless, practical For cooking spices or drinks suitable for making tamarind turmeric herbs, tamarind ice, fruit salad spices and various dishes Weight: 150gr

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฿200 ฿200


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SPC 09 A

Daun salam merupakan rempah-rempah khas indonesia yg saagat dibutuhkan untuk pelengkap masakan tertentu. Manfaat daun salam selain untuk bumbu masakan juga untuk mengobati hipertensi,kolestrol,asam urat, dll. Sudah tak diragukan lagi, bahwa daun salam memang sangat berkhasiat dalam menunjang kesehatan tubuh. Bahkan sudah banyak yang menggunakan daun salam sebagai obat tradisional dalam menyembuhkan ragam penyakit yang menyerang tubuh.

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฿100 ฿100

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Best Seller

SPC 08 A

Kencur atau cekur adalah tanaman yang mempunyai akar batang yang tertanam di dalam tanah, biasa dipakai untuk bahan rempah-rempah dan ramuan obat; tanaman ini merupakan salah satu jenis empon-empon/tanaman obat yang tergolong dalam suku temu-temuan.

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฿100 ฿100

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SPC 07

Bumbu campuran rempah-rempah asli Indonesia yang menghasilkan aroma khas kue lapis legit dan spekoek. Komposisi: Kayu manis, kembang pala, biji pala, cengkeh, daun jeruk, kapulaga

Sold 0 items

฿150 ฿150


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SPC 05

Dibuat dari rempah asli dan bahan pilihan yang bermutu, lalu diproses menjadi bubuk yang dikemas dengan praktis sehingga dapat digunakan untuk segala macam keperluan

Sold 2 items

฿120 ฿120




Kacang tunggak (kacang tolo / otok / dadap / landes / tunggak igna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) merupakan salah satu jenis kacang yang masih satu jenis dengan kacang panjang tapi berbeda kelompok kultivar / subspesies. Kacang tunggak ini memiliki polong yang lebih pendek dan lebih kaku dibandingkan dengan kacang panjang . Kacang ini tergolong tanaman legum yang biji dan polong mudanya biasa dibuat sayur, seperti sayur brongkos atau sayur lodeh & biji tuanya sebagai bahan baku -brongkos -bongko -sambel goreng -lento -peyek dll

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฿250 ฿250

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Best Seller

SPC 06

JAY'S BAY LEAVES (DAUN SALAM) Bay Leaves are used to flavor pasta sauce, stews, meat and vegetable dishes. - Mix into spaghetti sauce during cooking - Add Bay Leaves to soups, stews, stock, and gravy. Available Size Nett weight : Botol 8g Ingredients : Daun Salam

Sold 3 items

฿120 ฿120


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Kluwek are also known as Pangium nuts, the seeds of the Pangium tree (Pangium edule). Kluwek is the Indonesian name for this food. They are native to Southeast Asia and are featured in traditional foods in Indonesia and Malaysia, but is relatively rare outside of the region.

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฿200 ฿200

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Kemiri/Candlenut .They are used most extensively in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Hawaii. As above, they are principally used ground as a thickener but are also sometimes used chopped and sauteed. In Indonesia, kemiri is considered an indespencable spice, where a relish made with candlenuts and chiles is called sambal bajak.

Sold 3 items

฿150 ฿150

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