
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, pri et feugiat consulatu. Eu per ceteros platonem. Ea dictas legendos ius. At adhuc solum has. Nec at harum euripidis, habeo elitr patrioque ne mel. Mei probo oportere posidonium in, has ei everti volutpat consequat.

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NutriSari Aneka Rasa Buah Segar @ 10 sachets

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฿250 ฿250

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BVJ 05

NutriVille Grape Can 250 ml is an innovation from collagen drink presented by NutriVille. Collagen drink from NutriVille has a high collagen content which has many benefits such as preventing wrinkles, brightening the skin, skin elasticity, smoothing the skin, fading dark spots, and tightening the skin. Besides being rich in calcium, collagen drinks from NutriVille also contain vitamin C in it which can help maximize the absorption of collagen into the skin. Available in a sweet and throat-soothing grape flavor variant, eliminating unpleasant or boring sensations when drinking collagen. Comes in 250 ml ready-to-drink cans that are ready to be taken anywhere and can be enjoyed anytime. Feel the new sensation of enjoying a collagen drink together with NutriVille Grape Can 250 ml.

Sold 3 items

฿200 ฿200



BVJ 02

NutriVille Lychee Lemon Can 250 ml is an innovation from collagen drinks presented by NutriVille. Collagen drink from NutriVille has a high collagen content which has many benefits such as preventing wrinkles, brightening the skin, skin elasticity, smoothing the skin, fading dark spots, and tightening the skin. Besides being rich in calcium, the collagen drink from NutriVille also contains vitamin C in it which can help maximize the absorption of collagen into the skin. Available with a combination of lychee and lemon flavors that refresh the throat, thus eliminating unpleasant or boring sensations when drinking collagen. Comes in 250 ml ready-to-drink cans that are ready to be taken anywhere and can be enjoyed anytime. Feel the new sensation of enjoying a collagen drink together with NutriVille Lychee Lemon Can 250 ml.

Sold 3 items

฿200 ฿200


Best Seller

BVJ 01

Jungle Juice Sirsak / Soursop 1000ml Jungle Juice Sirsak terbuat dari sumber bahan baku konsentrat buah terbaik yaitu Philipina. Tanpa pengawet, tanpa pewarna dan mengandung antioksidan. Mencegah infeksi saluran kemih, sembelit dan kram kaki.

Sold 0 items

฿500 ฿500


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