Multi Vitamin

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MVA 05

Kuku Bima Ener-G Anggur 6's - Minuman Berenergi Penambah Stamina KukuBima Ener-G merupakan pelopor minuman energi serbuk dengan berbagai varian rasa, serta bermanfaat sebagai suplemen penambah stamina bagi pria dan wanita. KukuBima Ener-G dilengkapi dengan Vitamin B12 yang bermanfaat untuk menambah darah, serta ginseng dan royal jelly yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan jenis minuman energi lainnya. Kombinasi kandungan Royal Jelly dan Ginseng-nya memiliki berbagai manfaat kesehatan bagi tubuh agar tetap fit sepanjang hari.

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฿120 ฿120



MVA 03

Amunizer is a dietary supplement containing elderberry extract, lonicera extract, forsythia extract, phyllanthus niruri extract, zinc, and vitamin C 1000mg. With this content, the Ammunizer can increase the body's resistance, so that health and body immunity is maintained. Immune awake. The body becomes stronger. Benefits: Ammunizer maintains the immune system.

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฿150 ฿150


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MVA 02

Extra Joss adalah suplemen kesehatan berupa serbuk minuman yang kaya akan Vitamin B, royal jelly, ginseng, dan kafein. Dengan sensasi yang menyegarkan, Extra Joss dapat membantu Anda untuk tetap aktif dan produktif, serta menjaga stamina Anda agar tetap prima. Extra Joss juga dapat dikonsumsi tiga kali sehari, baik sebelum maupun setelah beraktivitas. Extra Joss, Laki Go To Health! Manfaat: - Menyegarkan tubuh - Menjaga stamina tubuh - Membantu tubuh tetap aktif dan produktif

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฿100 ฿100


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MVA 01

Sido Muncul Vitamin C 1000 Serbuk Lemon 6's - Jaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Sido Muncul Vitamin C 1000 merupakan suplemen Vitamin C yang bermanfaat untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan tubuh setiap hari. Komposisi: Tiap sachet Sido Muncul C1000 (dengan Ekstrak Lemon/Sweet Orange) mengandung Vitamin C 1000 Mg, Vitamin E 25 Mg, Vitamin B3 10 Mg, Vitamin B6 5 Mg, Vitamin B12 5 Mcg, Honey 100 Mg. Manfaat: - Minuman kesegaran dengan Vit. C untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh - Vit. E untuk antioksidan menangkal radikal bebas - Vit. B3, B6 dan B12 untuk menjaga sistem syaraf dan meningkatkan energi Perhatian: Baca aturan konsumsi/pemakaian yang tertera pada kemasan produk. No Barcode : 8998898842104 No BPOM : POM SD 152247861

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฿100 ฿100


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HDI Clover Honey comes from the clover flower which is declared the best honey by beekeepers around the world. The taste is delicious and the texture is very soft. Most of the honey sold today, is processed by heating so that it can destroy the enzymes contained in it, and also undergoes filtering to get a clear appearance. All these processes can cause honey to lose its nutritional content so that its quality will decrease. HD Clover Honey is pure and natural honey, without going through a heating or filtering process, rich in enzymes and high nutrients. The water content is low so it is not easy to ferment or mold which can reduce the nutritional quality. HDI Clover Honey also contains royal jelly and bee pollen (in the form of small granules) which makes it rich in nutrients. HDI Clover Honey is recommended for those who want to have a healthy digestive system. This product is also beneficial for those who have a high activity level. Instructions for use ~ Dissolve 1 tablespoon of HDI Clover Honey in a glass of water or fruit juice. ~ As a phlegm thinner, dissolve a tablespoon of HDI Clover Honey with warm water. Add half a lemon juice, stir and drink. ~ Besides that, it can also be smeared on bread as your healthy and energetic breakfast menu. Contents per pack: HDI Clover Honey: 500gram & 1 Kg

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฿1,000 ฿1,000

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