Face Care

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CFC 02 A

Toner contains Rose Extract to shoote and refresh skin, while providing softness sensation of rose aroma Milk Cleanser - Maximum and Perfect Care - For normal and dry skin - Maximum cleaning to the pores - Contains Emollient and Moisturizer for skin softness and moisture - The formula is gentle for the skin so it can also be used for sensitive skin # facial cleanser #milk # cleanser #skin #makeup #face tonic #viva

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฿200 ฿200

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Bedak tabur yang cocok untuk semua jenis kulit dan berjerawat. Mengandung formula untuk menyempurnakan penampilan kulit wahah menjadi tampak halus dan cantik alami . Varian warna : White ,Pink , Creame , Natural Beidge , Invisible

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฿200 ฿200

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