


Chicken Broth flavored Instant Noodle Soup. The taste is so soft. The delicious chicken broth penetrates the heart. Make a relaxing moment full of feelings.

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฿40 ฿40

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A A A ACEH! Thick noodles deliciously coated with a richness of spices that are UWAH! Plus the original spicy sensation makes you enthusiastic

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NOD 29 A

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฿40 ฿40

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Who here doesn't know instant noodles called Indomie? There is no doubt about the deliciousness of Indomie. Starting from the taste, texture, and price which can be said to be very cheap and comfortable in the pocket. Not only that, Indomie can also be made practically so that consumers can enjoy it quickly. "Indomie Spicy Rawon Flavored Mercon Soup typical of East Java." - The best soup in the world! - The noodles are round, thick and chewy - Original Rawon black sauce and extra spicy Mercon - Equipped with Salted Egg Kriukk"

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฿40 ฿40

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Fried instant noodles Flavored chicken geprek Made from quality wheat flour and a blend of selected spices Complete with geprek chicken kremesan Practical, ready to cook Available in 85 gram packaging Indomie Hype Abis Instant Noodles Fried Chicken Geprek 85 g is a type of fried instant noodles with current flavor variants. Made using selected high-quality wheat flour, which is hygienically processed using modern technology, so that it produces instant noodles of high quality and tastes delicious. Enriched with various vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. With seasonings made from fresh quality spices, so it produces a distinctive and rich taste. With the texture of the chewy and soft noodles combined with the distinctive spices of chili sambal chicken geprek which gives a spicy, and savory flavor sensation. Also equipped with a sprinkling of crispy geprek chicken kremes in the packaging. Can be presented in a short and practical time. Immediately have Indomie Hype Abis Instant Noodles Fried Chicken Geprek 85 g and feel the sensation of the savory spicy flavor from the chicken geprek chili sauce.

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฿40 ฿40

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Indomie Mie Goreng Jumbo

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฿80 ฿80

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NOD 16 A

Produk bermutu dari PT Indofood Sukses Makmur. INDOMIE MI INSTANT KERITING GORENG SPECIAL 90 GRAM. Mie Collection Premium dikemas exlusive dengan tekstur mie yang mempunyai ciri khas dan rasa yang mantap, nikmat dan lezat.

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฿80 ฿80

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NOD 15 A

Produk bermutu dari PT Indofood Sukses Makmur. INDOMIE MI INSTANT KERITING RASA AYAM PANGGANG 90 GRAM. Mie Collection Premium dikemas exlusive dengan tekstur mie yang mempunyai ciri khas dan rasa yang mantap, nikmat dan lezat.

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฿80 ฿80

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Indomie Goreng Pedas. Kelezatan yang telah diakui lidah Indonesia. Mi yang kenyal lengkap dengan taburan bawang goreng, ditambah cabai merah. Sensasi pedas yang ekstra untuk semangat yang ekstra!

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฿40 ฿40
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Mi Goreng Rasa Cabe Ijo, Salah satu produk mie instan goreng yang paling legendaris Disukai oleh semua lapisan usia dan kalangan Rasa nikmat dan gurih Disajikan dengan kecap manis, bawang goreng, dan saus cabe Cocok dimakan di mana saja dan kapan saja

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฿50 ฿50

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Indomie Goreng Rendang . Indomie telah berkembang pesat sejak awal berdirinya yang sederhana di tahun 1970-an. Mi yang dibuat dari bahan-bahan pilihan, tepung kualitas terbaik dan rempah-rempah segar dari sumber daya alam Indonesia memberikan rasa yang unik dan lezat. Sudah banyak varian rasa mie yang dihadirkan oleh Indomie untuk memenuhi keinginan masyarakat, salah satunya adalah Indomie rasa Rendang. Salah satu makanan terpopuler di dunia yang berasal dari Indonesia kini bisa dinikmati dalam sepiring Indomie goreng Rendang. Dengan rasa autentik rendang yang pedas dan kaya rasa, sangat pas untuk anda yang ingin menikmati rendang tanpa harus ribet.

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฿50 ฿50

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Indomie Ayam Special

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฿40 ฿40

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Indomie Ayam Bawang

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฿40 ฿40

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Indomie Kari Ayam

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฿40 ฿40

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Indomie Goreng Original

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฿50 ฿50

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INDOMIE Soto Mie 70 gmerupakan mie rebus instan rasa soto. Mie yang lembut dibalut bumbu soto yang lezat. Komposisi mie tepung terigu, minyak sayur, tepung tapioka, garam, pemantap, pengatur keasaman, mineral (zat besi) , pewarna (tartrazine Cl19140), antioksidan (TBHQ).Komposisi Bumbu: Garam, gula, penguat rasa mononatrium glutamat (MSG), bubuk bawang putih, bubuk lada, perisa sapi, bubuk susu, vitamin (A, B1, B6, B12, Niasin, Asam folat, Pantotenat), dan bubuk cabe, serta minyak sayur dan bumbu.

Sold 10 items

฿40 ฿40

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