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All products are from Indonesia and Halal certified. We provide a wide range of selection from food, beverages, traditional snacks, seasoning, spices, and handicrafts. Do you need products that are currently not available? Contact us directly and see what we can do for you.

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KEUNGGULAN PRODUK : a. Langsung Siap Goreng Mekar TANPA DIJEMUR b. Rasa Gurih Kriuuk dan Nikmat c. Tanpa Bahan Pengawet, Pewarna, Tepung maupun pengembang makanan. d. Diolah dengan Bumbu Rempah - Rempah Asli Tanpa penyedap seperti masako, royco atau sejenisnya. e. Bisa dijadikan oleh-oleh buat keluarga f. Bisa dikonsumsi bersama keluarga, sahabat atau kerabat

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฿600 ฿600


Best Seller


Konicare minyak telon Plus gives pleasant and warm feeling to the baby. It also protect your baby from mosquito/insect bite. After bath, Apply it to your baby's tummy, back and chest and other body part's that are easly exposed to mosquito bites, such as neck, arms and legs. Relieves colds in babies, relieve flatulence in the baby, the baby's body warms, To massage the baby, as the mixture for a baby shower

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฿350 ฿350

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Best Seller


Gula Merah / Gula Melaka / Gula Nira Aren / Gula Nira Aren. Gula merah merupakan salah satu bahan yang penting bagi masakan maupun minuman khas Indonesia karena memiliki aroma dan rasa manis yang berbeda dengan gula lainnya. Berbagai jenis gula merah tersedia di pasaran. Warna merah pada gula diperoleh secara alami tanpa tambahan bahan pewarna. Selain itu, gula merah ini juga terjamin keamanannya karena tidak melibatkan bahan pengawet dalam proses pembuatan.

Sold 1 items

฿350 ฿350

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Best Seller

BVT 01 A

Teh Botol is an Indonesian drink produced by the company Sosro and is sold worldwide. Teh Botol literally means bottled tea in Indonesian. It is a sweetened jasmine tea and it is usually served cold. In addition, Sosro also sells the tea in the Tetra Pak and plastic bottle packaging.

Sold 2 items

฿80 ฿80

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Best Seller


Ceres Coklat

Sold 1 items

฿250 ฿250

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Best Seller

CAN 02 A

Gudeg Tjitro 210 gram Gudeg kaleng bu tjitro adalah sayur gudeg khas Jogja yang dikemas dalam bentuk kalengan, sangat praktis, bercita rasa tinggi, No MSG, tanpa bahan pengawet, tahan lama dan dijamin rasanya enak banget. Produk dari Gudeg Kaleng Bu Tjitro 1925 ada 9 varian : 1. Original 2. Pedas 3. Blondo 4. Rendang 5. Sambal Goreng Krecek 6. Sambal Goreng Krecek Mercon 7. Sambal Teri Balado 8. Sambal Teri Lombok Ijo 9. Kornet Sapi Kombinasi

Sold 1 items

฿350 ฿350

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Best Seller


Kornet Pronas

Sold 0 items

฿250 ฿250

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Best Seller

BVS 03

Sirup ABC Squash Delight Jeruk Florida 450 ml Sirup squash no. 1 di Indonesia dengan 8 pilihan rasa. Kesegarannya akan menemani kebersamaan keluarga anda. Detail: - Rasa manis yang pas - Berbagai varian rasa favorit - Nikmat dan menyegarkan Komposisi: Air, gula, pengatur keasaman, perisa sintetik jeruk, pemanis buatan (natrium siklamat (0.16%), sukralosa (0.02%), asesulfam-K (0.10%)), pengawet natrium benzoat, garam, pewarna (tartrazin CI 19140 dan kuning FCF CI 15985), konsentrat jeruk (0.002%).

Sold 0 items

฿400 ฿400


Best Seller

BVS 02 A

Sirup Tjampolay. Sirup legendaris Cirebon sejak 1936 Terbuat dari gula asli. Tersedia Aneka Rasa : 1. Pisang Susu 2. Lychee (READY) 3. Mangga Gedong. 4. Eozen Roos 5. Koffie Mocca 6. Asam Jeruk 7. STRAWBERRY 8. Durian 9. Jeruk Nipis 10. Peach 11. Cocopandan 12. Melon 13. Kopyor 14. Sirsak 15 Jambu

Sold 0 items

฿450 ฿450

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Best Seller

BVS 01 A

Sirup marjan 460 ml Rasa : Melon Cocopandan Fruitpunch Leci vanila pisang susu moka strawberry Markisa

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฿400 ฿400

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Best Seller


Saos Sambal Belibis

Sold 1 items

฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller


Indomie Ayam Special

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฿40 ฿40

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Best Seller


Indomie Ayam Bawang

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฿40 ฿40

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Best Seller


Indomie Kari Ayam

Sold 4 items

฿40 ฿40

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Best Seller


Indomie Goreng Original

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฿50 ฿50

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Best Seller


Tolak Angin helps to relieve bloating, nausea, stomach aches, headaches, feverishness, and dry throat. It is recommended to consume Tolak Angin before long journeys, if you feel tired, or if you lost sleep. First formulated in 1930, Tolak Angin is a standardised herbal remedy for cold/fever symptoms (masuk angin) that contains ginger, mint, fennel, screw tree, clove leaves, and honey. Tolak Angin has passed pre-clinical trials, is proven to improve the immune system, and is safe for long-term consumption.

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฿200 ฿200

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Best Seller


Kerupuk Bocah-Tua (Garlic Tapioca Crackers) in 500 gram bag. Same type, quality and flavor Kerupuk Palembang, but differed in size (more handy version) a bit more soft. Made with 100% Fresh Garlic, Premium Tapioca Flour and contains no animal by product.Raw Crackers-Frying Required. Product of Indonesia. No Coloring ۾∞ | Fresh Ingredients | Vegetarian Certified ◘ | Vegan |Halal Certified حلال .

Sold 4 items

฿400 ฿400

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Best Seller


Kluwek are also known as Pangium nuts, the seeds of the Pangium tree (Pangium edule). Kluwek is the Indonesian name for this food. They are native to Southeast Asia and are featured in traditional foods in Indonesia and Malaysia, but is relatively rare outside of the region.

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฿200 ฿200

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Exchange Money Transfer

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฿0 ฿0

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Best Seller

CN 01 F

Royco ayam, a versatile seasoning that can enhance the taste of your Indonesian cuisine. Made from chicken meat and quality spices to produce a steady, full of flavor broth. Royco, the number 1 seasoning in Indonesia . Add Royco to enhance the taste of your Indonesian cuisine.

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฿120 ฿120

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Best Seller


Kemiri/Candlenut .They are used most extensively in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Hawaii. As above, they are principally used ground as a thickener but are also sometimes used chopped and sauteed. In Indonesia, kemiri is considered an indespencable spice, where a relish made with candlenuts and chiles is called sambal bajak.

Sold 3 items

฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller


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฿150 ฿150

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Best Seller


Raprima Yeast Ragi Tempeh Inoculum Protein Make Homemade (1X500GM) Raprima tempeh starter is a famous Indonesian brand of starter. · It is usually called “Ragi Tempe”. Raprima tempeh starter contains Rhizopus Oligosprus based tempeh starter, produced in controlled, which is used to grow spores fungus in making tempeh. This starter is produced in a controlled, totally safe enviroment and regularly tested by the Government. · Our tempeh starter is HALAL, safe, and suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

Sold 1 items

฿350 ฿350


Best Seller


Service delivery goods from Bangkok to Indonesia & from Indonesia to Bangkok by Air & by Sea. Delivery Service Door to Door.

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฿550 ฿550

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Best Seller


INDOMIE Soto Mie 70 gmerupakan mie rebus instan rasa soto. Mie yang lembut dibalut bumbu soto yang lezat. Komposisi mie tepung terigu, minyak sayur, tepung tapioka, garam, pemantap, pengatur keasaman, mineral (zat besi) , pewarna (tartrazine Cl19140), antioksidan (TBHQ).Komposisi Bumbu: Garam, gula, penguat rasa mononatrium glutamat (MSG), bubuk bawang putih, bubuk lada, perisa sapi, bubuk susu, vitamin (A, B1, B6, B12, Niasin, Asam folat, Pantotenat), dan bubuk cabe, serta minyak sayur dan bumbu.

Sold 5 items

฿40 ฿40

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Best Seller


Terasi ABC

Sold 8 items

฿150 ฿150


Best Seller


Kacang Sukro Original

Sold 2 items

฿150 ฿150


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